Articles By Dan



March 18, 20243 min read

Two hours remained until the conclusion of my birthday celebration, and I was deeply moved by the overwhelming outpouring of love on social media platforms! And, of course, I have a tale to share. Among the challenges I face is the persistent growth of weeds between the concrete slabs connecting my house to my writing studio. The recent scorching weather has only exacerbated the issue, making the task of uprooting them all at once a recipe for an explosive display of frustration. Yes, I dislike pulling weeds!

Instead of succumbing to that emotional eruption, I devised a different approach. I began by pulling out just a few weeds, then stepping away to gather my composure. Upon re-entering the main house, I would return to the task, repeating this process in measured intervals. With each round, I made incremental progress toward my goal of a passable walkway. After two days of these mini expeditions to the ground, I found myself satisfied with the result.

The lesson learned was profound. Just as tackling all the negativity in one's life at once can be overwhelming and draining, so too is the hasty eradication of weeds. Such an approach risks exhaustion and the temptation to give up entirely. Instead, I discovered the power of consistent, small incremental efforts.

 Every time I passed by those metaphorical "weeds" in my life, I dealt with them in small, manageable doses until they were no more. Admittedly, negative thoughts, self-condemnation, and guilt may reappear like unwanted foliage, but now I understand their origins and how to address them with greater ease. Plucking at them may seem fruitless, and yet, if I ignore their persistent growth, I yield to their power rather than exerting my own power over them.

So, I urge you: pull the weeds from your life, but do so gradually, allowing yourself the space and time to recuperate along the way. Make a plan if needed. Write it down as though a recipe for success is to be baked in your flavor! With each deliberate step, you reclaim control and pave the way for a more flourishing existence.

Rushing to eliminate them all at once may indeed inflict more harm than good. Remember, little by little, you can achieve great things. Yes, indeed, you can do that! Right? You CAN do that. Identify one small area, one crack in the sidewalk, and decide, “I can pull that out and clean the groove; remove that tiny amount of dirt that keeps the weed alive.”

And, CELEBRATE that you are trying! CELEBRATE that you are DOING! Acknowledge that you are moving in the direction of being who you are even though you are raw, real, and rough as concrete. Soft as Soil that wants to Seed a New Life! It takes time.

You CAN do that. Understand that time is an ingredient. Patience is a friend. Mourning is a companion, and healing is a heartache in motion. Pull the weeds and smile, knowing you began. Your new birthday is at hand!

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Dan Armstrong

Four Time Best Selling Author, Coach, Speaker

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