Articles By Dan

One Page for Someone

One Page of Someone's Life

March 17, 20242 min read

 One Page of Someone’s Life

I hosted a writer's workshop some time ago and observed one attendee who seemed absorbed in their own world, diligently scribbling away while seemingly disconnected from the discussion. At first, I presumed they were merely doodling, perhaps needing to be fully engaged. Yet, to my surprise, they remained fixated on a single sheet of paper, never flipping to another page in their notebook. My initial assumption was that they were sketching cartoons.

After the two-hour session, I approached the attendee and inquired, "Did you find anything helpful?" They responded shyly, "Yes, I took a lot of notes." I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this claim. However, I was utterly astonished when they opened their notebook to reveal their meticulous, beautifully written notes. Not only had they managed to capture every detail, but they had done so on a single page! It made me pause and reflect.

Do we mistakenly reduce another's life to just ONE PAGE when the depth and quality of their experiences are far more profound than what meets the eye? Do we hastily draw conclusions based on that single page of their existence? Consider this: the notebook page of this man, meticulously crafted and packed with insights, would have required TEN pages if written in my handwriting. It's a poignant reminder that our initial impressions often fail to capture the complexity and richness of others' lives.

We do this so quickly, don’t we? We measure others by our standards. Are we quick to judge based on surface appearances, assuming we understand the depth of another's life based on a mere glimpse?

The man's notebook page, a testament to his unique approach, challenged my assumptions. In his economy of expression, he achieved more with less. It was a humbling realization that I had misjudged him.

How frequently do we rush to judgment without genuinely understanding someone's story? How easy is it for us to pre-judge?

Let us remain vigilant of our thoughts, for truth can unfold unexpectedly. Consider for a moment that you may be subject to preconceived judgments. Offer the kindness you wish to receive as though it were a seed being planted in the soil of another's heart. Remember, all things reap what they are sown. Before you cast an idea upon another, take a moment to pause and reflect. You are crafting your narrative just as they are crafting theirs. Let us strive to foster understanding and compassion in our interactions, recognizing the interconnectedness of our stories.

ONE PAGE – Theirs? Yours? It can say so much. 


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Dan Armstrong

Four Time Best Selling Author, Coach, Speaker

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