Articles By Dan

Dance Until It Rains!

Follow Your Dreams

March 24, 20243 min read

"Follow Your Dreams" is a phrase often tossed around with a lightness that belies the true depth of its meaning. Dreams are not meant for the weak soul.

"Follow Your Dreams" is indeed more than just a cliché’ or a fleeting sentiment. There’s more to it than just words. It’s a vision backed by a passion. It requires late nights, early mornings, and unwavering focus. It means pouring your heart and soul into your pursuits, even when no one else is there to offer encouragement or support. You will cry alone.

"Follow Your Dreams" is a call to action that demands not only dedication and perseverance but also sacrifice. Following your dreams may sometimes lead to conflicts with others who fail to understand your vision or the sacrifices you're making. You may have to say no to that request to a party or hang out a little longer. It may involve moments of frustration, tears, and doubt. But it's in those moments of struggle that true growth and progress often occur.

"Follow Your Dreams" It's not just a catchy slogan. It embodies a courageous commitment to pursuing what truly matters, even when the path is uncertain and the obstacles seem insurmountable. You will fall. You will also get back up – maybe not right away, but eventually you will. Sometimes the dream hurts.

“Follow Your Dreams” is an act of bravery, a noble act, and a just cause that benefits more than any selfish desire you hold in secret. Some will question your intention. Let them.

“Follow Your Dreams” can mean embracing vulnerability and uncertainty, to push past comfort zones and confront fears. It does require resilience in the face of setbacks and unwavering determination in pursuit of a vision that others may not understand or support. You will question yourself. Hold strong.

 “Follow Your Dreams” can become a testament to the strength you never knew you had until you began the path. It becomes a journey of self-discovery, growth, and contribution—a journey worth undertaking, despite the challenges that lie ahead. Sometimes you will feel lost. Accept the feelings as real. Denying them is foolish.

“Follow Your Dreams” is as a rallying cry—a reminder of the transformative power that lies within each of us to pursue our passions, fulfill our potential, and make a meaningful difference in the world. Ask for help. You will need it.

“Follow Your Dreams” means a fulfillment few will achieve and understand. Many will enter the arena to fight the fight. Few will remain throughout the struggle. When you stand up and look back over your shoulder – the trail of tears and terrors now treat you to the triumph success!

At times, be prepared for this:

YOU will be the ONLY ONE who believes.

YOU will be the ONLY ONE who stays up late at night and rises before dawn.

YOU will be the ONLY ONE who forgives yourself for failing.

Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices and commit yourself wholeheartedly to your dreams?


If you answered yes, then perhaps, in time, they will become a reality. Dare to follow your dreams—not just with words, but with actions. Give up the lesser things for the greater things, Perhaps then, Your Dreams will find You!


“Follow Your Dreams”.


I Dare You!!!

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Dan Armstrong

Four Time Best Selling Author, Coach, Speaker

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